Tuesday, 23 April 2013

Finish Product

Fifth Layer - Finished

To finish the 'dark' emotion (top right) I did the colouring of her lips, I did a dark colour - blue because it fits with the rest of the photo and it finishes it off very well. To finish off the 'happy' emotion (bottom right) I did the colouring of Zahrah's hair, it was an easy was to finish it off because it was a large area to cover and I took pieces out of her hair then added them back in, in some places to make it look like her top was coming through.

Thursday, 18 April 2013

Forth Layer

For the 'happy' emotion (top right) I did the top next doing all the top but with it still overlapping onto the hair so that when I did the hair and took some bits out the colour from the top to show through. Next on the 'dark' emotion (bottom right) I got into the facial features doing the eyes.

Third layer

For the third layer in the 'dark' photo (top right) I did the hair because I though that would be easier but I think I should of done the facial features next. For the 'happy' photo (right middle) I did a skin layer covering her whole upper half and took out colour where her eyes, nose, lips and shadows were. Then on the next 'happy' photo (bottom right) I did another layer of the original so that I didn't have to spend more time taking the skin parts off the clothing and hair.

Second layer

For the second layer on the 'happy' emotion (top right) I did the lips which I really should have left to last and it would probably complicate it later on. But in the 'dark' emotion (bottom right) I did the top next because I was trying to get the easy large spaces done, this was a much better option because it was easier to do the other features.

First layer

As I did the 'happy' emotion (top right) first I didn't know what to start with so I started with something familiar which was the lips. But as this went along I probably would have been more successful doing the lips further along which is what I did in the 'dark' emotion (bottom right).


These backgrounds I have chosen really make an impact on what the emotion would be and and would set the colour theme for the piece. At first it was difficult to get a background for the 'happy' emotion (top right), the background was to small for the original, Mr Powell told me what the right size was and what I have now is perfect.


For this assignment I will be doing photos of Zahrah. I'm doing two photos of her to show two different sides of her, bright and colourful and dark and sad. I decided to do this because it would be good to gather photos and challenge myself in these ways.

These photos I've taken, the first one she is smiling and happy and the second one is a fake smile that shes forcing.