Scene 1: Femme fatale, husband and investigator sitting in a room
o They are discussing the tragedy of the husband’s colleague dying
o Trying to figure out if they could know who did it
o Femme fatale secretly knows because she was the one that did it
Scene 2: Flash back
o This scene mainly shows the camera zooming into the picture so there is little dialogue
Scene 3 and 4: Femme fatale and husband’s colleague
o The femme fatale simply smirks at him and says something about revenge
o Again, there is little dialogue
Scene 5: Femme fatale, husband and investigator sitting in a room
o Flash back ends so it is the same setting as scene, they continue speaking about who could have possible committed the crime
Scene 6 and 7: inspector and women
o The inspector asks to speak to femme fatale
o Asks privately about if she knows anything
o She weeps and shakes her head to say no but mentions something about her husband
o She sounds very sly but innocent
o He consoles her and asks if she is doing alright about it all
o She says she is coping, barely
o The inspector then asks to speak to the husband
Scene 8:
o Femme fatale walks out of the room and when the inspector can not see her she slightly smirks as if to say she is successful in the framing of her husband
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