Sunday 9 November 2014

Media Arts: Music Video Production – Term 04 2014 Self-reflection/evaluation:

Respond to each of the following dot points (using complete sentences or paragraphs). You should include as much detail as possible in your responses.

Teamwork during Pre-Production:
  • Describe any problems or difficulties your group encountered while developing your music video concept and deciding upon music;
We wanted to do something different and something that hasn’t been done before so was did a mashup of 40 songs, it took us a while to find a good one that we could work with but once we found it we all agreed on it. 
  • Explain whether your group effectively used the pre-production and planning templates prior to filming;
We did majority of the pre-production planning the night after our first lesson back at media so we could start filming immediately, we used all the templates effectively and they worked in out favour. 
  • Describe whether your group made effective use of their time in class during pre-production. (Did each group member; contribute; have set tasks at all times; know their role in the group etc.) 
We didn't do and pre-production planning in class, we starting filming straight away. 
  • List some steps your group could (or did) implement to improve in this area;
Mostly getting all the work done as soon as possible (at home) really helped us, and have a set schedule of who and what we were filming each day. 
Teamwork during Production and Post-Production:
  • Discuss how your group used storyboards, shot-lists and a shooting schedule to assist during the filming making process;
We did our own individual of each as we were all playing different people and we each had many shots to have filmed, but we all used each others when we were filming each other. 
  • Did your group experience any organisational issues during filming, (i.e. members who were absent or did not contribute; finding suitable times to film; forgetting shot-lists, costumes; not booking equipment etc.) How did you manage or work around these difficulties? 
We didn't really have any problems and everyone contributed and took turns filming, but sometimes Alex wouldn't really do anything, she was sometimes just sit on her laptop and not help anyone if she didn't need to film. I only remember filming two or three shots of other people. Tilly did majority of the filming, a filmed a lot as well and so did Liv. But besides that it was fine. 
  • Describe any problems or difficulties you encountered during post-production and editing. These may include; technical difficulties, corrupt or missing files, group related issues. etc;
The only time we had a problem was when we realised we were filming with the wrong camera, so we had to re-film those shots but that wasn't to bad.
  • Did your group complete all shots as detailed in your planning?
As far as I know we filmed everything we planned - well I know I did. 
Discuss your individual feelings about the Music Video Task:
  • Are you group satisfied with the final result?
I’m very happy with the final result as it was our first time filming with the green screen, I think we did very well.
  • Would like to change any aspects of your music video or its original concept?
No I really enjoyed making it and I love all the aspects of it.
  • If you could start the project again what would you do differently?
Maybe I would choose my group members more carefully.
  • Was it easier planning, filming and managing your time during this project than your first film? Why?
It was because I just feel we were better organised.
  • Did your treatment accurately reflect your video or were the substantial differences between the concept and final product?

No I think we captured it very closely to the treatment.

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